Saturday, 8 February 2014


Triremes of Claudius go speeding out of Gaul,
charged with taming Albion, enigmatic queen,
then civilise and modernise
with unity and roads,
to leave a lasting legacy where Rome has been.

Bold privateers of Devon, harnessing the wind:
Buccaneers with cutlasses plunder Spanish pelf
then bequeath the world a language,
democracy and law,
bonding scattered people in a vast Commonwealth.

Bureaucrats of Brussels, inept scions of Rome,
with bloated pay and pension cosseting a life
of bumbledom and jargon
in quangos that cascade
unedifying orders, sowing seeds of strife.

Charlie Gregory
Cardiff 2014

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Mood Swings

Christmas is over and done.
The past belongs to the dead.
A bright new age has begun.
Fresh plans evolve in my head.
I’ll do what the hell I choose.
Then... damn! January Blues.

The wind blows chill off the sea.
So what? For the year is mine.
Mud in the pool on the lea;
gold in the lake down the line;
solace is found in the muse.
Then... damn! January Blues.

News is all chaos and hell;
buffeting gale in the streets,
winter is casting a spell.
Rain covers the town in sheets,
but hey, I’ll go on a cruise.
Then... damn! January Blues.

Next year, things could look better;
future is bright, so they say.
Plan, then play by the letter.
Like wise men, live for the day.
Positive folk never lose.
Then... damn! January Blues.